
What a Headache!

Today I woke up with the worst headache I can ever remember having. It only worsened as the morning went on, despite 3 extra strength tylenol. Unfortunately for me, Spence has little understanding or mercy for those who are feeling ill. Olive took a nice long nap this am, which gave some respite. Tonight I am better thankfully. Larry is in Des Moines for the next 4 days and it's just me and the kids. Mom stopped by after work to check on me since she knew I was feeling bad, and she brought me some OPI nail polish, which was such a nice treat!! Olive is working on eating little bites of bananas by herself, she is starting to like them, I think. Spencer is sitting next to me, singing funny lullabies that he makes up. He thinks they are hilarious and can hardly sing them without laughing. The look in his eyes when he laughs is priceless, like he is on a happy drug....one that evidently wears off as we grow older. Olive has been on this kick at night where she gets "wild" right before bedtime. It's really funny, she starts waving her arms and kicking and screaming/laughing. And she gets that same look in her eye that Spencer gets when he is laughing...pure joy. The little ones are asleep now, and soon I will be too....

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