
Planning for Fripp

Today was rather uneventful thankfully. I dropped Spence off to camp and spent the morning with Olive who slept most of the time while I worked on planning for our vacation. Only 9 more days to go!!! The anticipation for vacation is wonderful, like Christmas when your a kid. When I was little, I would go through a mild depression on the evening of Christmas once all of the presents were opened and the magic was over...but my Mom was very clever and would hold back a gift for me to open that night, one more last hurrah. I wish we had those last hurrah's for when vacation is over....but instead we have to come home, do laundry, go through unopened mail and then go to work the next day...hurrah! Oh well, no sense in focusing on the negative yet.

Bev and I went to Costco's today to get some things for the vacation. We came away with large boxes of cereal, bags of chex mix, juice boxes and bottled water. Looks like we will have to do some shopping at Kroger as well. The great part of staying in a beach house is that we don't ever go out to eat. Most people would look at that as kind of a bummer, but not me. I don't like eating out with small children...it is more of a chore than a treat. When I arrived home from Costco, I talked on the phone with Vera who will be joining us with her family. We will have a total of 8 adults and 6 children. I know Spencer will have so much fun with the other kids.

Not much else to say today. Kids are both asleep and I'm getting ready for bed myself. Oh, for those interested, I found the link to the peach-blueberry cobbler, but I didn't copy it and am too tired to search it again. I will post it on tomorrow's blog.

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