
Olive is Hooked on Baby Einstein

The title says it all. When she is unhappy, inconsolable, pop in a Baby Einstein and she is content. She laughs at the little puppets and bounces (her way of dancing) when the music goes fast. She sits on the floor in front of the TV totally content. We used to strap her into her bouncy seat until we realized...she isn't going anywhere, she loves this show. As I write, she sits and watches in amazement, all of the colors and pictures of toys. I will ask her to come crawl to me and she quickly shifts her gaze back to the show. Even Mommy comes in second to her beloved B.E!!! She talks and laughs at the TV. She must think the little animals are her friends. Just like Spence did at her age, when she sees the caterpillar come across the screen, she gets a big smile on her face.

Spence is playing outside. He had his first 3 hr. day at school today and loved it. He got to bring Lambie Pie in for the "Teddy Bear Picnic". He doesn't have a teddy bear he loves, so he took "Lambs" (his new "cooler/more mature" name for Lambie Pie") instead. They ate a snack (teddy grahams) outside on a blanket with all of their favorite teddy bears/stuffed animals. What a cute idea!!! I really am happy with his preschool, they do very creative things!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, with programs like Baby Einstein, Olive and her generation will fare better than mine. Gilligan, Bugs Bunny, and Scooby Doo were my teachers.