
It's a Boy!!

Not much to post really. Things are back to normal around here. I do have an announcement: We found out last week that "It's a BOY"!!! NO, not for me... Adam and Bev are finally going to have a son!! We are all so happy for them. Now, they just have to agree on a name. My suggestion was Tanner, but it got shot down. Bev said "Tanner Turgeon?" I was like "uh, I lived 26 years with "Tirzah Turgeon". (I love my name Mom, don' t take offense :) )

As far as my two go, Olive is learning how to wave "bye bye". She opens and closes her hand, it's so cute. And as for my genius of a son, he cracks me up. He's just like me when it comes to trying to beat the system. We told him that he couldn't use the word Stupid, so he's been going around telling us we are "stupendous". Very clever.

Other than that, the highlight of my days are driving in my new ride. That, and looking forward to the new fall shows coming on this week. It's sad really, that this is what my life has come to. I think it's the same for most people my age though, my friend Marci at work was very excited to watch Hero's last night. House is on tonight (one of my faves), and of course, The Office on Thursday. I am going to try to watch some new shows and hope that I find one that I like that everyone else likes too, so it stays. Last year's cancellation of Jericho was devastating (see, I told you I was pathetic). Luckily, there are thousands out there just as pitiful as me, even more so because they started a campaign to bring back Jericho!! They succeeded, and this winter there will be 8 new episodes. If the ratings are good, they may resign it for another season. So, if anyone out there has ever had even an inkling of a thought to watch the show, please tune in this winter and help boost the ratings!!

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