
Erin's Birthday

Today we celebrated Larry's sister Erin's birthday at the Raible's. It was a nice brunch and the weather cooperated and we were able to enjoy outside dining. Afterward we went to Blairwood and I dropped Larry and Spencer off to swim while Olive and I hit Kroger to get some groceries for the week and some items we will be taking on vacation.

Poor Spencer has been running around like crazy the last few days and I think it has finally caught up with him. He looked very tired today at Erin's party and is taking a late evening nap. Olivia is napping as well and I am taking this time to post. Before Olive took a nap, I captured some video of her jumping in her jumpster. Oh and big news for Olive...she cut her first tooth today!!! She isn't nearly as excited about it and is gnawing on anything she can get her little hands on. I've been giving her cold bagels and carrot sticks to chew on along with Tylenol to help with the discomfort. Anyway, here is the link to the jumping girl:


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