Yesterday I accompanied Spence on a school field trip to a local farm. I was not looking forward to the cold weather (low 40's) or the farm itself, honestly. I didn't think Spence would enjoy himself either since last year's field trip to Henry's Ark resulted in us cutting out early and hitting the nearest McDonalds. But, I thought, maybe this year would be different, Spencer might actually have fun........ He didn't. He's just like Mama when it comes to looking at caged animals. We both equally do not derive the enjoyment that others' get from farms, zoo's or other habitats. He said his favorite part of the trip was the bus ride (first time on a school bus). But, as soon as he stepped off of the bus, he started with his "I'm hungry" routine. That carried on nearly the entire time we were there. At one point, the teachers and "farmhands" encouraged the kids to pick a pumpkin out of a field. And while all of the other children were amused and searched for the "perfect" pumpkin, Spence walked over with little enthusiasm, picked up the first one he saw and handed it to me. I guess he figured he had already found the "Great Pumpkin" last month on our trip to the pumpkin patch.
One pleasant part of the trip was that I was able to get a picture of Spence's new girlfish, Claire. A while back he came home one day and said "I kissed Claire at school today". I was shocked, but relieved that he has a healthy interest in girls (other than pretending to be one, which he does occasionally). And, he said he kissed her on the elbow, so I figured there was no harm in that. They kind of palled around together for a short while and I gleaned that little Claire (smallest girl in her class) is actually quite the socialite and full of mischief. No wonder he likes her...I guess Katie has been replaced. They ran around so much, it was tough to get a shot of them, and then Spencer wouldn't even look at the camera for me....all eyes were on Claire...
So that's why you never visit the zoo.............!
Yeah, not many people understand it, all of my "mom" friends think I'm weird for not liking the zoo. I don't like the opera, ballet or any other sort of musical production either...which is something else my friends think is unusual.
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