Well, today marks a big day in the life of Olive Raible. She finally decided to put the kibosh on the whole nursing thing. She actually made the decision a week ago, but it took me that long to realize she was serious. But now what? I tried giving her some of my milk in a sippy cup...nothing, she wouldn't go near it. I tried formula in a cup and she would only take a few sips, then spit it out. The doc says she can't start whole milk until she is one. I started to panic last night since it had been a week.
Finally, out of desperation, I made her a bottle of formula before bed. Historically, the child has never taken a bottle. But, low and behold, she drank down 7 ounces like she'd been taking a bottle her whole life. She took another 7 ounces this morning. She loves the stuff.
So that's it, the kid gave it up cold turkey, and... It's a bittersweet ending for me.
Looks like she is gonna be decisive..
Yes, most definitely, and with a sense of humor. When I asked her about it today, she just pointed at me and laughed.
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