It's been a few days since I've posted b/c things have been so busy around here. Planning and packing for vacation for a family of 4 seems impossible, especially when one of them is a baby. Luckily, Mom & Dad are driving and are taking some things for us. We had a wonderful 4th of July. We spent the first part of the day at Mom & Dad's. They had a cookout and the kids played baseball, it was a lot of fun. I tried my hand, with Bev's help, at making the blueberry-peach cobbler and it didn't turn out nearly as good as Judy's. I will have to call her to see exactly what she did. It may be that I accidentally picked up white flesh peaches, who knows. We spent the second half of our day at Erin & Greg's house for another cookout and while Spence had a great time, he was slowly winding/melting down. The highlight of his day was doing sparklers. I thought he would be scared to do them, but once he figured out they wouldn't burn him, he loved them. When we got home, there were tons of fireworks going on in the neighborhood and we watched some, but then the loud booms started to scare Spence, so we called it a night. Olive enjoyed her first 4th of July by mostly playing with toys at her Meme` and Pepe`'s and visiting with G-Jo and Grampy at Erin and Greg's. I attached a picture montage I made of us yesterday. I am proud to say that I made the dress she is wearing!!
Today will be hectic b/c I have to do the majority of the packing, work and I have a pedicure scheduled for this evening. We are going to try to make a showing at Larry's aunt Pam's surprise birthday party tonight if we can. I'm fortunate that both kids are sleeping in and I can have a few moments of peace before this crazy day begins. Luckily, Larry only has to work a few hrs. this morning and will be able to help out. I'm excited for vacation, but a little worried about how Olive will do on the plane. She's already fussy b/c of her teeth.
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