Spencer's first day of Kindergarten (1/2 day) started this past Thursday. He was very apprehensive despite my best efforts at talking it up. In the end, we ended up making a deal that if he didn't cry when I dropped him off, when I picked him up, I would take him to dairy queen for a hot dog and cherry slushy. And...voila! It worked. He did great, no tears. In fact, I didn't even have to sneak out of the room b/c he was so busy coloring and meeting new kids in his class. I decided to forgo the whole room mother thing this year, but I am going to help out with the Halloween Party and also accompany the kids on a field trip to Stage I to see a play in the Spring.
I had bought Spence a special shirt to wear for his first day, and I must say that he received several compliments on it. He also picked out the cutest messenger bag (he's too metro sexual for a backpack). I had his name embroidered on it...turned out adorable!! Things seem to be going well except
for the fact that his little girlfriend Claire (whom he had a crush on last year) is in his class this year and won't play with him. She says it's because she is "too old" for him. She evidently turns 6 around Christmas. Spence is crushed and says he wishes he had his own personal Genie so that he could make a wish to be older than Claire. Another concern of his regarding school is that he prefers to play in the "big room" than to go outside. The big room is an alternate area for play when it's raining, too cold, muddy, etc. He said that he wishes he could go to heaven but not be dead so that he could control the weather and make it rain in order to play in the big room at school. Oh
the woes of a 5 year old, but I admire his clever strategies/solutions. He does, however love his new teacher, Ms. Susan...as seen here posing with Spence!!

Other than school, Spencer is obsessed with the Wii. He kicks my butt on Mario Cart on a daily basis. He is so good at that game...plus, he knows all of the characters and is able to read the instructions, etc. I had to limit his playing time b/c it was becoming an obsession. For example, a few weeks ago he said "Mommy, when your laying in bed at night and can't fall asleep, do you think about Mario Cart?, cause I do.." Allrighty, how about we turn the Wii off for a while...