The last 4 weeks have been very busy for us. It's been a hard month and some good things and some bad things have occurred. We took a weekend trip to Nashville the last part of February and Olive took a fall and knocked her front teeth loose, and eventually they both had to come out. It was a horrible experience, and although not life-threatening, still very upsetting for all of us...especially me, I still have a hard time dealing with it. Luckily, her permanent front teeth were not damaged and should come in fine....eventually. Until then, we have the option of just letting her go without or having some porcelain partials made. I have chosen to go with the partials, for both
aesthetic purposes as well as to help with her speech. The last thing I want is for her to have a "tongue thrust" or a lazy tongue that just hangs there in the spot where the teeth are missing. I also want to help her with the correct pronunciation of the

th", "f", and "v" sounds. The dentist said when her 2-year molars are completely in, they can attach the partial to them. So, it won't be long. Here is a picture of her before the tooth fairy came..
Something good that has happened this month has been the
start up of our newest business venture:
Mariposa Place. It has been very hard work...much harder than I imagined, but hopefully it will pay off in the long run. We have had 2 successful open houses and have another one scheduled for this coming Friday evening. Our Grand Opening is still scheduled for next Monday!! I don't know the status of how many clients we have signed up and ready to start, but I should find out more from the marketing team tonight. If you are interested in checking us out, our website is
Mariposa Place has kept us all busy this past month, even the kids put their own sweat equity in on many occasions. Spencer really enjoyed going there and would play with the other owner's children. Olive enjoyed scribbling on the walls with chalk (before they were painted). We basically gave the place a complete makeover. It was a huge transformation, and I am glad I was a part of that process. I didn't realize all that goes into starting a business, and even with 10 people working simultaneously, it is still quite a task. We also did this on a shoestring budget in a very short time period. It has been quite a ride and hopefully it is just the beginning!!

During the process of creating Mariposa Place, we were hit with one of the largest snowstorms we have had in a few years. A foot of snow fell on Louisville and even though it made the restoration process tough on us, the kids absolutely loved it. Spence and his neighborhood buddies had a blast sledding down hills and I must say, it was beautiful. Here is a picture of Spence on our deck the morning of the snow..