I have had a great weekend! On Saturday, Mom and I went to Edinburgh, IN to the outlet mall for some shopping. We didn't get the best deals, but we had a great time together. I've decided that I'm finished with outlet mall shopping. Occasionally I find a decent buy, but for the most part, the sales are no better than what you would find in town. I think next time I get this itch, we will go to Erlanger to the Gap outlet...much shorter drive and better deals. Anyway, once we arrived home, I met Larry out for dinner at Bravo's (his Mom watched the kids). We went there when I was pregnant with Olive, and I wasn't able to eat any salad b/c of the soft cheeses or have any drinks, so I made up for it this time !!
Today was fun too. Mom, Adam and Isabelle came over for Dolphin Day (as Spencer calls it). Of course we lost again...I believe we are 0-7. It's pathetic really. But, we still manage to have fun. We had cheeseburgers from Beef O'Brady's for lunch and then we went to the Homemade Ice Cream & Pie Kitchen to get desserts this afternoon (sort of a family birthday celebration)...except Larry and Olive couldn't come b/c she was napping. Above is a pic of Adam, Bev and I today at the Pie Kitchen. I love this place. It's fairly new in the Springhurst area. It has a juke box and Spencer and Isabelle were dancing around eating their ice cream....so adorable.
I wish Dad could have spent the day with us too, but he was able to call from Korea to wish me a Happy Birthday....it was great to hear from him. So, I'm 35 now...I don't feel any different, but I've been told by some that I am now in my late 30's. No wonder people have mid-life crises. Mom said she would trade me any time....and at some point down the road, I will most likely try to make that deal with Spence or Olive....scary isn't it?