Cleaning the house sucks!!! There's no other way to put it....but it has to be done. Since October is upon us, I realized that it is time to put out all of our fall decorations. order to do that, I desperately needed to clean up my current situation. Spence's room was a disaster, as was the craft room and the living room stays in disarray. The task seemed almost too much to accomplish, but after rallying the troops (one, which can't even walk yet), we managed to get it done.
I pulled out all of the fall/Halloween/thanksgiving deco. It seems like just yesterday that I put it away. It's so hard to believe that Olive wasn't even here last fall. I can't remember life without her. Well, that's not true. I remember playing with Spence at the Pumpkin Patch last year and thinking that next year (now this year) we would have a little girl with us.
This weekend, Mom hung out with Spence and I and brought her Neil Diamond CD. Spence, of course, fell in love with some of the songs, but come Sunday, we had to give it back, and he was not happy!! My precious boy, he's such a music lover. So, tonight he and I downloaded some classic Neil Diamond songs to burn onto a CD. ( I highly recommend I can't listen to Neil Diamond and not think of my Dad. Neil, Barry and Engelbert were staples in my musical diet as a child. Especially Neil. The song "Heartlight" always reminds me of Dad. I downloaded it tonight and became teary eyed listening to it. Spence noticed, but didn't say anything. He's an old soul in that sense....he loves and understands music enough to recognize the emotion that it may accompany. There are times, riding in the car, where he refuses to talk to me, and just insists that I play a certain song for him. I respect it though, and will play whatever he wants.
Just a note, I never did allow "kids music" in the car. I wanted Spence to get an ear for music by listening to my music. He also listens to Larry's music (i.e.: guns&roses, Elvis Costello, Paul Simon, Beatles).
Spencer's Girlfish

Last year when Spencer started school, he was so apprehensive. The first day when we picked him up, he said he made a friend named Katie. When we asked him who he played with each day, he would say "Katie". A few months later, I helped out at his Halloween Party and finally met the infamous Katie. She was, by far, the cutest girl in the class...very shy, blond, adorable. My kid has taste!!
Unfortunately, this year Katie is not in his class. He was not happy. But.....a few weeks ago we received an invitation to her birthday party (this Sat.). So, he is very excited. I told him to ask her what she wanted for her birthday and he came home today and said she wanted "something cool", "something fancy". I said "well, which is it, cool or fancy?" He said..."something girlfish". I didn't even correct him. We will have to go out one night this week and pick something out.
It's a Boy!!
Not much to post really. Things are back to normal around here. I do have an announcement: We found out last week that "It's a BOY"!!! NO, not for me... Adam and Bev are finally going to have a son!! We are all so happy for them. Now, they just have to agree on a name. My suggestion was Tanner, but it got shot down. Bev said "Tanner Turgeon?" I was like "uh, I lived 26 years with "Tirzah Turgeon". (I love my name Mom, don' t take offense :) )
As far as my two go, Olive is learning how to wave "bye bye". She opens and closes her hand, it's so cute. And as for my genius of a son, he cracks me up. He's just like me when it comes to trying to beat the system. We told him that he couldn't use the word Stupid, so he's been going around telling us we are "stupendous". Very clever.
Other than that, the highlight of my days are driving in my new ride. That, and looking forward to the new fall shows coming on this week. It's sad really, that this is what my life has come to. I think it's the same for most people my age though, my friend Marci at work was very excited to watch Hero's last night. House is on tonight (one of my faves), and of course, The Office on Thursday. I am going to try to watch some new shows and hope that I find one that I like that everyone else likes too, so it stays. Last year's cancellation of Jericho was devastating (see, I told you I was pathetic). Luckily, there are thousands out there just as pitiful as me, even more so because they started a campaign to bring back Jericho!! They succeeded, and this winter there will be 8 new episodes. If the ratings are good, they may resign it for another season. So, if anyone out there has ever had even an inkling of a thought to watch the show, please tune in this winter and help boost the ratings!!
As far as my two go, Olive is learning how to wave "bye bye". She opens and closes her hand, it's so cute. And as for my genius of a son, he cracks me up. He's just like me when it comes to trying to beat the system. We told him that he couldn't use the word Stupid, so he's been going around telling us we are "stupendous". Very clever.
Other than that, the highlight of my days are driving in my new ride. That, and looking forward to the new fall shows coming on this week. It's sad really, that this is what my life has come to. I think it's the same for most people my age though, my friend Marci at work was very excited to watch Hero's last night. House is on tonight (one of my faves), and of course, The Office on Thursday. I am going to try to watch some new shows and hope that I find one that I like that everyone else likes too, so it stays. Last year's cancellation of Jericho was devastating (see, I told you I was pathetic). Luckily, there are thousands out there just as pitiful as me, even more so because they started a campaign to bring back Jericho!! They succeeded, and this winter there will be 8 new episodes. If the ratings are good, they may resign it for another season. So, if anyone out there has ever had even an inkling of a thought to watch the show, please tune in this winter and help boost the ratings!!
The Road to Tribeca
For any loyal readers out there, sorry for the delay in posting. I have not found the time to post in the last few weeks. We actually just arrived home from Columbus, OH. We went there to buy a Car...the Subaru Tribeca!!! We had to travel all the way to Columbus in order to get a decent deal. Turns out, the Tribeca's aren't that easy to find, especially a gently used one.... and that's not surprising since, after much searching, it is the one car I had my heart set on. Larry would have gone up there himself, but since both of our names were on the title of my car (our trade), I had to be present, which meant Olive too (yep, still nursing). So, since we all had to go up together, we (well, Larry) decided it would be fun to make a weekend out of it. So, we found a hotel in Columbus that had an indoor water park.
We arrived last night around 10pm, and were up bright and early today to head out to the Subaru Dealership...... and after 3 hrs. of pure hell, the Tribeca was ours. I do not recommend buying a car with a 4 year old boy and an really complicates an already consternating experience.
We returned to the hotel after the big purchase ready for some hard core swimming/sliding. At least Spence was..I had already resigned myself to the wading area with Olive. All I can say is that we were all very disappointed. The pool/water park area was so nice, but it was just too cold in there to enjoy yourself. The water wasn't nearly as warm as it should have been and the area itself wasn't warm enough. We stayed for an hour, tops. Spence went down a few slides (the only ones he was tall enough to ride on) and I was able to go down a few with him (which I loved ). Olive was miserable...hated the water.
We went back to our room and realized that we had to get out of there....there was no way we were staying another night. Olive wasn't sleeping good there, and we all needed to get back to our own beds. So, we hit the road again, this time in Style. I am glad to be home. Olive is just too young for over-night trips. Now she is all snugly, fast asleep in her own bed..and I'm not far behind her.
We arrived last night around 10pm, and were up bright and early today to head out to the Subaru Dealership...... and after 3 hrs. of pure hell, the Tribeca was ours. I do not recommend buying a car with a 4 year old boy and an really complicates an already consternating experience.
We returned to the hotel after the big purchase ready for some hard core swimming/sliding. At least Spence was..I had already resigned myself to the wading area with Olive. All I can say is that we were all very disappointed. The pool/water park area was so nice, but it was just too cold in there to enjoy yourself. The water wasn't nearly as warm as it should have been and the area itself wasn't warm enough. We stayed for an hour, tops. Spence went down a few slides (the only ones he was tall enough to ride on) and I was able to go down a few with him (which I loved ). Olive was miserable...hated the water.
We went back to our room and realized that we had to get out of there....there was no way we were staying another night. Olive wasn't sleeping good there, and we all needed to get back to our own beds. So, we hit the road again, this time in Style. I am glad to be home. Olive is just too young for over-night trips. Now she is all snugly, fast asleep in her own bed..and I'm not far behind her.
Olive is a Dolphin!
Sunday (well last Thursday technically) kicked off Football Season!! The Turgeons were in full force at our house to cheer on our beloved Dolphins. Olive was decked out and joined in the fun! As usual, we lost. We are kind of used to it though and still had a good time. It was a busy day b/c Larry had his dad and friend Doug and his two boys over to watch the US vs Brazil that afternoon! Luckily it was after the football (well American football) game and there wasn't a big fight over the big screen TV !! Here is a picture of Olive and her Meme'!!
Not much else is going on around here. Spencer's school is in full swing and he seems to be adjusting well. Larry took the kids to the zoo this afternoon. Spence talked about the Rhino and apparently, Olive loved the carousel.
Larry and I are trying to find time in our schedules to continue car shopping. Maybe this weekend we will get out again. I think I am the only parent that drives a car (not a van or SUV) in the school carpool line. I noticed it today when dropping/picking up Spencer. We need to get with the times and get a family vehicle.
Olive is Hooked on Baby Einstein
The title says it all. When she is unhappy, inconsolable, pop in a Baby Einstein and she is content. She laughs at the little puppets and bounces (her way of dancing) when the music goes fast. She sits on the floor in front of the TV totally content. We used to strap her into her bouncy seat until we realized...she isn't going anywhere, she loves this show. As I write, she sits and watches in amazement, all of the colors and pictures of toys. I will ask her to come crawl to me and she quickly shifts her gaze back to the show. Even Mommy comes in second to her beloved B.E!!! She talks and laughs at the TV. She must think the little animals are her friends. Just like Spence did at her age, when she sees the caterpillar come across the screen, she gets a big smile on her face.
Spence is playing outside. He had his first 3 hr. day at school today and loved it. He got to bring Lambie Pie in for the "Teddy Bear Picnic". He doesn't have a teddy bear he loves, so he took "Lambs" (his new "cooler/more mature" name for Lambie Pie") instead. They ate a snack (teddy grahams) outside on a blanket with all of their favorite teddy bears/stuffed animals. What a cute idea!!! I really am happy with his preschool, they do very creative things!!
Back to School!
Well, today was Spencer's official first day back to school. He only spent 1 hr. there today, meeting his new teacher and classmates, but he said he had a great time and liked Ms. Heidi! He took a good nap after school and then spent the rest of the afternoon playing with his friends outside. In fact, I just took a look out there and saw him swinging with his buddies. He already knows how to swing himself without being pushed. As much as I am happy that he is growing and becoming more independent, it also hurts to see one more thing he can do without needing Mommy's help.
Spence is growing up so fast, I feel like I can't catch him. Sometimes I look at him and can't believe that he is 4, yet I can't even remember what he was like as a baby now. Obviously, I want to see him mature and succeed, but I hate to let go of the little guy. I told someone today that his 3rd year (last year) was his transformation from a baby to a boy......and I know he is only going to get more and more independent. You would think that I would be OK with it, having a new baby to do all of this with, but it is not the same to me. I'm sure I will "mourn" Olive's "baby-ness" as she is outgrowing it all too. But, for now I miss my baby Spence and am trying to come to terms with Spencer the boy.
Attached is a picture of Spence this morning before returning to his second year of preschool!!
Sick of being Sick
It has been forever since I have posted. Two reasons really: 1. Our laptop has been in the shop and I was unable to sign into the account on our computer downstairs (doesn't allow pop-ups and I don't know how to fix it). 2. The kids have both been very sick with a variety of illnesses. It has truly been a crappy 2 weeks. I am hoping we are on our way to a healthy household, minus the occasional cold. We had some rough stuff. Olive's UTI and Spence had a horrible virus/flu-like thing that took him out for a week.
I'm excited for Spence. He starts school tomorrow. His class this year is small, only 8 kids. He goes 4 days a week!! He is looking forward to it and shows no apprehension whatsoever. He is really just excited to carry his Backyardigans backpack! Turns out I have volunteered to be a room mother for the class. I know...very much unlike me, but there really was no one else to do it. Two new moms, another just had a baby, one doesn't speak English well, one is crazy (the cookie lady for those who know the story) and that pretty much left Amy (my friend who's son Tyler was in Spence's class last year) and myself. We will be in charge of coordinating all holiday parties and field trips. I think it's doable.
Not too much to update on Olive. She's still crawling around everywhere. She is able to pull up on furniture. The girl wants to walk. She's also recently shown some signs of jealousy toward anyone who has mama. I was holding Spence today b/c he wasn't feeling well and she saw me pick him up like a baby and started crying and reaching out for me. If I walk by her and don't pick her up or acknowledge her she will cry...even if Larry is sitting with her and playing with her. She's still mommy's girl. It's funny b/c I would've thought the jealousy would've been the other way around. But, Spencer is my Angel, he's never shown any signs of jealousy. He just says how much he loves her. What a precious boy I have.
Now that the laptop is back, I plan to finish the video ASAP. I promise to post when it is complete. On another note, Larry and I went car shopping today. We are looking for a crossover style vehicle with 3rd row seating. We don't want a minivan though. Right now, we are liking the Mitsubishi Outlander. We test-drove one today and were pleased. Thankfully Larry has me to keep him grounded or else he would buy immediately....he has no self-control. He was ready to take home the Outlander.
I'm excited for Spence. He starts school tomorrow. His class this year is small, only 8 kids. He goes 4 days a week!! He is looking forward to it and shows no apprehension whatsoever. He is really just excited to carry his Backyardigans backpack! Turns out I have volunteered to be a room mother for the class. I know...very much unlike me, but there really was no one else to do it. Two new moms, another just had a baby, one doesn't speak English well, one is crazy (the cookie lady for those who know the story) and that pretty much left Amy (my friend who's son Tyler was in Spence's class last year) and myself. We will be in charge of coordinating all holiday parties and field trips. I think it's doable.
Not too much to update on Olive. She's still crawling around everywhere. She is able to pull up on furniture. The girl wants to walk. She's also recently shown some signs of jealousy toward anyone who has mama. I was holding Spence today b/c he wasn't feeling well and she saw me pick him up like a baby and started crying and reaching out for me. If I walk by her and don't pick her up or acknowledge her she will cry...even if Larry is sitting with her and playing with her. She's still mommy's girl. It's funny b/c I would've thought the jealousy would've been the other way around. But, Spencer is my Angel, he's never shown any signs of jealousy. He just says how much he loves her. What a precious boy I have.
Now that the laptop is back, I plan to finish the video ASAP. I promise to post when it is complete. On another note, Larry and I went car shopping today. We are looking for a crossover style vehicle with 3rd row seating. We don't want a minivan though. Right now, we are liking the Mitsubishi Outlander. We test-drove one today and were pleased. Thankfully Larry has me to keep him grounded or else he would buy immediately....he has no self-control. He was ready to take home the Outlander.
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