I didn't get a chance to post this on Sunday, but I thought I would share this event. While visiting at my brothers house, the kids were playing outside and Mom and I noticed that there was a beehive in the ground. Numerous bees started flying out of it and we hurried the kids inside. We told Adam about this underground hive and he said he had never seen it before. He grabbed a can of insect spray and I took him outside and pointed him in the direction of the bees. Upon further assessment, he and I both realized that maybe he shouldn't start carelessly spraying away at the little guys, who knows how many bees are in there, and we've seen the shows where the guy is laid out on the ground, covered in bees. So, we went inside to regroup.
Let me preface this by saying that I searched the house for a camera to no avail, or else I would've posted a picture of this. After muttering something about Africanized bees, beekeepers, etc. , Adam went to get geared up to take the bees down. When he returned, he was wearing a long sleeved shirt, jeans and a mesh pop-up laundry basket on his head. He put his arms through the handles and it fit perfectly. There were a few small holes in the laundry basket, so we used duct tape to ensure no bee could enter. He also had us tape the basket around his neck area too. But what about his hands? He can't go out there without gloves. He had a golf glove, but it only covered his right hand. This would not work. The only feasible alternative was a giant pair of oven mitts. Yep, that did the trick and made the whole getup complete!!
Mom set up some chairs by the window that faces the backyard so that the kids could have a front row seat. Everyone was anxiously awaiting. Adam went out, prepared to hit 'em hard and fast. Unfortunately, the mitts did not allow for the functional use of his opposing thumb and he ended up spraying himself with the repellent. Once he got that under control, he took the bees head on. There were times where he was spinning in circles, spraying the repellent in the air when the bees would swarm him. It took about 30 minutes total, but the repellent, combined with using a water hose to completely destroy the hive, eradicated the bees, thus making the backyard a safe and enjoyable environment again!!
There is no way to put into words how hilarious Sunday's events were. I have tried to give a glimpse. For those of you that know Adam, you can only imagine how funny the whole thing was.
Not a good day
I'm actually posting this after the fact, I was just too tired and mentally drained yesterday. It's not often that I have a bad day at work, in fact, most of you know that I love my job...however, today sucked.!!! I won't go into details, but I had some issues with the administrative staff at the hospital that had me very upset in the early part of the day. I managed to get them resolved by late afternoon and just when I thought my day was going to take a positive turn, I was attacked by one of the residents. It wasn't a bad attack, but it did scratch me up some and tore my shirt. It hurt my pride more than anything since I ended up flashing my chest to the entire unit for a good 2 minutes the scuttle was going on. Of course everyone said "we couldn't see anything". That's what people always say, it's with good intentions, but a lie nonetheless.
The only good thing that happened yesterday was that both kids were in bed by 7:45pm. At that point, I poured myself a few glasses of wine and got in the bed and watched some funny TV shows. It made me feel a lot better. I thought I would attach a funny picture of Olive taken about a week ago....the girl loves biter biscuits!!
My Busy Week

Wow, it's been a while since my last post. I knew I wouldn't have time to do it last week b/c I was going to be so busy. Monday was our Anniversary and we had a lovely dinner at Stoney River while Larry's parents came over and watched the kids. Tuesday, I attended a meeting regarding a new school that will be built in fall 2009. We are considering holding a spot for Spencer, not totally sure yet. Wednesday, we celebrated Spencer's birthday at home and gave him the presents we bought for him. I think the best part for him was the small cake I bought from Kroger. Thursday I had a CT scan of my sinuses (don't ask). Friday, I had Spencer's hair cut and treated myself to a manicure. The rest of the day was spent cleaning in preparation for his big party on Saturday.
The party was great and it looked like everyone had fun. We had water activities for the kids(pool and waterslide). Spencer thoroughly enjoyed himself and was completely wiped out once it was over and went to bed very early. The next day was spent playing every board game he received (numerous times). Needless to say, he loved all of his gifts!!
I was disappointed that his annual video was not completed by the time the party was over. Adam and I did our typical marathon to get it done, but we fell short this year. Once it is finished I will try to upload it and put a link on here.
Today, back to a much calmer/less stressful week.
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